Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Clearing 25 Woodlands Road

Clearing 25 Woodlands Road and sorting Granny and Granpa's possessions has its moments!
A random sanple includes:
- a flock of moulting feather dusters
- a million coathangers
- a deflated balloon from the Royal wedding (Charles and Diana)
- loads of invitations to banquets etc and menus including ones on fabric
- programmes..including one on silk for the Royal opera house
- sacks of cat litter and gravel
- enough material scraps to make a patchwork quilt the size of several football pitches
- Granny's wedding dress made out of parachute silk
- a bird book given by Granny to Grandpa on their wedding day
- Granny's mother's school prize for French
- an unopened pack of thin nappies
- enough religious "what-nots" to supply a shop
- 4 china potties
Not to mention books, CD's, box files, crockery, more crockery, more crockery, ditto cutlery, ditto glasses, ancient food (some not readily identifiable, dead gardening gloves (lots) clothes, useless tools etc etc ad infinitum. HOWEVER thanks to help from lots of you the clobber is gradually dispersing and here are a few pics to remind us all.
Royal wedding balloon (deflated!)


One of our loads...

Louise's load
                                         Granny's filing system
Ellen and Granny sort fabric

sorting sewing things

Programme printed on silk for Royal Opera House

Menu and its velvet container

Label for box containing a rather odd copper pastoral staff

boxed and bagged...

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Norway part 2

Grandpa examining a whale vertebra!

Granny photographing flowers (if you look carefully!)

Up using chains

to see this view

Monday, 1 July 2013

Norway trip 2013 part 1

Cruising up the fjords

bird photography

view from a walk

grinding wheat...jolly hard work

Our hut is in the centre, in the sun